This tea is a perfect blend of leaves, herbs, and spices, specially prepared with outstanding taste and rich aroma. Without the added caffeine, it’s delicious hot and cold. Refreshing cinnamon, orange peel, and cloves give it a fruity flavor, and ginger has a relaxing effect on the organism. Combined with aloe flowers, it is great for body weight regulation.

The addition of aloe blossoms makes this tea a truly exceptional experience any time of day, iced or hot. The blossoms are hand harvested from our own aloe fields and added to the mix with our other key ingredients.

Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea is specially formulated to help your mind and body feel relaxed Each tea bag is individually wrapped to ensure freshness. Each time you open a new bag, you’ll be welcomed by the enticing spicy, floral and sweet aromas to help you feel more relaxed and peaceful.

Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea: 

Purifies the blood 

Lowers blood pressure

● Reduces blood sugar levels

● Promotes sleeping and reduces anxiety

Improves detoxification and flushing water from the body

● Enhances digestion and normalizes intestinal function

● Reduces stomach ulcer problems

● Alleviates cramps and bloating in the intestines

Relaxing With Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea

 When we are stressed out or feeling down, it’s amazing what a cup of tea can do. Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea, seasoned with the right touch of Aloe Blossoms, and other finest herbs gives a warm, fruity flavor with ginger and zesty orange peel for a soothing and refreshing feeling.

A cup before bedtime relaxes a stressed mind and body and promotes sleep. Naturally low calorie & no caffeine makes it an ideal fit for a nutritional life style that is essential for healthy living. Along with exercise and healthy diet, Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea makes a great companion tool for our weight management program.

Let’s Have A Look What’s In  ALOE BLOSSOM HERBAL TEA & their Benefits

Cinnamon, a common kitchen spice, has fat-burning properties. It can aid in weight management and can help to regulate blood sugar levels.

Allspice & Ginger have tonic effects and can help to sooth digestive system.

Cloves are used as a flavoring and relaxing agent to assist in the sleep process while Chamomile can help to calm the central nervous system and promote sleep.

Orange peel has strong zesty flavoring contain hesperidin ( a flavonoid),pectin(a source of fiber), and also contains Vitamin C which is essential for building collagen Cardamom, the Queen of all spices, contains antioxidants and can help in strengthening the digestive system.

Fennel which contains fiber, potassium and vitamin C, can help to strengthen immune system while Blackberry leaf is high in tannins and Vitamin C.

Gymnema Sylvestre, can be helpful in controlling blood sugar levels and curb cravings for sweets in healthy adults.

For that extra refreshing drink anytime
Add Forever Bee Honey and lemon or lime juice. Whether you drink it hot or cold, you will love IT!

steep a bag of Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea in a cup of hot water for 3 minutes . Add Forever Bee Honey and lemon juice. Allow it to cool a little and drink.

Steep a bag of Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea together with 1-2 gr. of fresh ginger powdered in a cup of hot water; let it cool a little and drink . Works best if drank at the first sign of migraine. Ginger helps helps for control nauseating, chamomile is a mild relaxing herb while have anti-inflammatory properties.



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